DeSpir Logistics Awarded CargoNet’s 2021 Best in Cargo Security Award
Company’s Elevated Service Model Combines Best Practices, CargoNet Technology and More
CHICAGO, July 27, 2021 – DeSpir Logistics, a leading transportation service provider for mission-critical cargo, is pleased to announce its receipt of CargoNet’s Best in Cargo Security award for their supply chain theft and fraud prevention efforts in 2021 in the Small-Size Broker Category.
“We are thrilled to be recognized for the success of our proprietary service model,” says John Carr, DeSpir CEO and Managing Partner. “We owe a debt of gratitude to our qualified carrier network and their commitment to adhering to our quality management and risk mitigation standards.”
Criteria for winning the award include the company’s use of CargoNet’s technology and information sharing to fuel their standard operating procedures. Key factors include:

● Documented standard operating protocols for prevention and post-theft activities,
including integration of real-time intelligence, processes for maintaining communications
with multiple supply chain partners and more
● Adherence to best practices including the use of GPS devices and having dedicated
internal security resources
● Demonstrated supply chain vigilance including the sharing of cargo theft intelligence
with CargoNet members
● Regular engagement with the CargoNet system including continuous use of
RouteSEARCH for visualizing cargo theft risks and monitoring for fraud alerts using
● Continuous employee education through the use of CargoNet’s reports on cargo theft and
current best practices, webinar attendance and the use of analytics to help exploit cargo
thieves’ vulnerabilities and provide decision-making support
There is one Best in Cargo Security award-winner per category, and the recipient cannot have won the award in the previous year.
About DeSpir Logistics
DeSpir is a leading 3PL transportation service provider that provides on-demand access to qualified mission-critical carriers nationwide. DeSpir rigorously qualifies and manages a network of carriers that comply with standards set by its proprietary quality management and risk mitigation systems. The company’s carrier, security and law enforcement relationships are longstanding, proven and effective. DeSpir collaborates with local task forces and national law enforcement agencies to combat and prevent cargo theft. The company is laser focused on successfully transporting ultra-high-value and highly targeted cargo, including pharmaceuticals, cold chain, high-value electronics, financial assets and more.