California reports most incidents in January 4-10 cargo theft report

Nine incidents were recorded in the January 4-10 cargo theft report, four more than the week prior.  Five additional cargo theft incidents from 12/27-1/3 were received this week by CargoNet.

For the second week in a row, California was the country’s cargo theft hot spot with three reported thefts.  The stolen commodities included a tractor, which was taken from a warehouse/distribution center, building materials, and commercial/industrial goods.

New Jersey and South Carolina were other top troubled spots for cargo theft with two reported incidents each.  Both thefts in New Jersey were cargo only, while the incidents in South Carolina involved a tractor stolen from a secured yard, along with the country’s only reported pharmaceutical/medical cargo heist on Tuesday the 27th.

The hottest commodity to steal this week was food and beverage, accounting for more than 28% of all reported cargo theft incidents.  Tractors were also highly targeted with reported tractor-only thefts in New York, New Jersey, and California.  Building materials were a popular item on both coasts with incidents in Georgia and California.  Forty-two percent of all recorded cargo theft incidents involved stolen tractors and/or trailers.

Warehouse/distribution centers were the most common destination for cargo thieves. Additional thefts occurred in both secured and unsecured yards, parking lots, on the side of the road, in a drop lot, and at a truck stop.

To find out what else was stolen in the beginning of 2017, see last week’s cargo theft incident report.


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